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Welcome to My New Series: Writer Unplugged

Welcome to My New Series: Writer Unplugged

It occurred to me that one of the most helpful things I could do as part of my mission to encourage writers and would-be authors to believe in their stories, commit to their craft, and put themselves out there would be do put my money where my mouth is. Enter: WRITER...
Are You Scared to Submit Your Writing?

Are You Scared to Submit Your Writing?

After spending the past several years researching, writing, drafting, and revising, anĀ author I work with is ready to send her manuscript out into the world in the hopes of finding an agent. The ultimate dream is finding the perfect publishing home for her YA novel...
A Theme to Dig My Teeth Into

A Theme to Dig My Teeth Into

I’m not one much for resolutions, but I do love the idea of being reflective about what’s passed and intentional about what is to come. At the start of 2013, I wrote a blog post in which I declared my “word” for the year: Evolution. In last...
Andrea Owen on Getting Published

Andrea Owen on Getting Published

Many writers dream of penning and publishing a book someday, but few people very publicly declare their goal and then allow the rest of us to watch their journey as they go after their dream. But that’s exactly what life coach Andrea Owen did back in January...
Hitting Deadlines, No Matter What

Hitting Deadlines, No Matter What

Here’s a truth about me: I’ve never missed a writing or work deadline. Not once. And only one time in my ten-plus year career as a solopreneur have I asked for a work extension — it was only for three days and I could have made it without the...
Rolling With the Punches

Rolling With the Punches

Life imitates art, so the saying goes. I haven’t given that notion much thought until now, but it seems like all of my worlds — my creative world, my professional world, my personal world — are suddenly tied together in the most interesting ways. As...