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Is My Launch Plan Doable?

Is My Launch Plan Doable?

I’ll start this week’s post by saying that my desk is bare, my office relatively clean, and a giant purple 3-ring binder is filled with the pages of my printed chronology for my work-in-progress. That can only mean one thing—I reached my stretch goal of...
How I’m Shifting My Thinking About Book Launches

How I’m Shifting My Thinking About Book Launches

Despite this being a kind of crazy week—my birthday, Halloween, catching a cold—it was surprisingly productive. As I did last week, I’ll start by reporting in on my goals so you can see how I did. Writing Goals from Last Week: Devote a minimum of 6 hours on my...
Writer Unplugged: Getting Clarity on the WIP

Writer Unplugged: Getting Clarity on the WIP

I thought I’d start this post by reporting in on how I did with my writing goals for the week. After all, if I don’t circle back to measure / reflect, there’s really no point in setting them. So, here goes: Writing Goals from Last Week: Play with...
Writer Unplugged: Uncovering Roadblocks

Writer Unplugged: Uncovering Roadblocks

For this first week of my Writer Unplugged series, I developed a tracking system so I could log how much time I spent on various projects and also make notes about challenges, observations, and more. I found this time tracker to be both useful and annoying—useful...