by debadmin | Apr 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
As a writing coach, many of my clients are first-time authors writing, or getting ready to write, their first book. One of the most important, and basic, questions would-be authors need guidance answering is this: Should I self-publish or pursue traditional...
by debadmin | Mar 25, 2015 | Uncategorized
The past two weeks in my world have been about dividing and conquering—flipping back and forth between the creative part of my WIP (actually writing chapters of the book) and the business part (making progress on the book proposal, bit by bit). Honestly, now that...
by debadmin | Mar 12, 2015 | Uncategorized
Finally. I’m getting somewhere. As I sit here reflecting on my journey since I first began blogging this Writer Unplugged series, I’m surprised (but not really) to see that nearly five (5!) months have passed since I fully committed to my...
by debadmin | Feb 26, 2015 | Uncategorized
In my last post I wrote about my struggles with focus and motivation. Thankfully, in the past two weeks I’ve managed to move through that particular bout of procrastination and have been fairly head down working on a freelance editorial project and my...
by debadmin | Feb 10, 2015 | Uncategorized
Maybe it’s the post-project blues, maybe it’s the challenge of fully immersing myself in a new project, or maybe it’s simply February, but I’m still struggling with focus and motivation. How do I know? Because I spent more than an hour of precious work time Saturday...
by debadmin | Feb 4, 2015 | Uncategorized
You know how difficult re-entry into everyday life can be following a lengthy holiday, especially one where you felt transformed or were truly able to disconnect from everyday realities because you were so immersed in the experience you were in? That’s kind of...
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