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7 Tips for Surviving Feast or Famine Cycle

7 Tips for Surviving Feast or Famine Cycle

Feast or famine. For many of us in the world of freelance and/or self-employment, that seems to be the way things roll. Even with the most deliberate business planning, we often find ourselves either scrounging for projects or with more on our plate than we can...

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A Modern Day Identity Crisis

A Modern Day Identity Crisis

In my world, I talk with/work with many creative entrepreneurs, and one of the most common threads I've discovered is that many of us find it challenging to articulate what we do and who we are (present company included). And that's a problem (and not a small one),...

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Fumbling Through

Fumbling Through

My post today is going to be a little different than my usual thing. When I started this new blog a year ago, my promise to you was that I'd be completely authentic and let it all hang out. So, there's no way I can sit down to write today without letting you know that...

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Tuning Out the Noise

Tuning Out the Noise

This week I've got a lot to do, but to get it done I've got to find a way to tune out the noise. And there's lots of noise to be heard. There's the actual noise of my neighbors and their daily drumming and band practice (could living next door to a grunge band in...

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Time for an Evolution

Time for an Evolution

It's January 2nd. The holiday break is over, I'm semi-recharged, and for the first time in 2 weeks I have my house to myself. Just me, Baxter (dog) and Alex (cat). (Yay!) I'm digging through the emails in my inbox and I'm finding I've been flooded newsletters about...

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Everything Matters

Everything Matters

Like everyone I know, I'm heartbroken by the tragedy that took place in Newtown, CT last Friday. Like, you, I've been sending love and light to the families and loved ones who are suffering, and spending time honoring and remembering those who died. I'm trying to...

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Listening When It’s Time to Slow Down

Listening When It’s Time to Slow Down

I don't know about you, but I like to move fast. I like to run fast, walk fast, talk fast, work fast. I'm good at cranking out high quality work quickly, and as a result, I can be uber productive in a very short period of time. But this week, I got a big message that...

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Dwelling in Possibility

Dwelling in Possibility

This week my "whats" are battling my "hows." The "whats" being what I'm creating and brainstorming for next year -- a new class or two, a support group for writers, a new program designed to help people follow-through on their creative goals -- and the "hows"...

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Live It to Give It

Live It to Give It

When I was writing my book on stress-reduction for teens, Chill, in 2007, I distinctly remember being super stressed, the result of a crazy tight deadline, competing freelance work, and a bunch of parenting challenges all converging in a perfect storm. At the time, I...

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Your Gift

Your Gift

It's election day. I'm super distracted. (How is anyone supposed to get any work done today?) I'm not up for writing a blog post about politics or the right to vote or any of that stuff. I do just want to say this. What you have to say...your story, your message, your...

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Is It Time for a Creative Purge?

Is It Time for a Creative Purge?

Holy purge. As in, holy purge, Batman. I just spent the past 48 hours on a wild purging spree. It came out of nowhere. Seriously. We arrived home on Sunday afternoon after a nice weekend away and, with laundry to do and emails to answer and tasks to complete and...

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Showing Up & Sharing Your Gift

Showing Up & Sharing Your Gift

This past weekend I flew to Phoenix for an event called Power Boost Live! hosted by one of the most brilliant and generous people I know, Pam Slim (author of Escape From Cubicle Nation and the lovely lady standing next to me in the pic to the left). Over the course of...

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