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Is It Time for a Creative Purge?

Is It Time for a Creative Purge?

Holy purge. As in, holy purge, Batman. I just spent the past 48 hours on a wild purging spree. It came out of nowhere. Seriously. We arrived home on Sunday afternoon after a nice weekend away and, with laundry to do and emails to answer and tasks to complete and...
Showing Up & Sharing Your Gift

Showing Up & Sharing Your Gift

This past weekend I flew to Phoenix for an event called Power Boost Live! hosted by one of the most brilliant and generous people I know, Pam Slim (author of Escape From Cubicle Nation and the lovely lady standing next to me in the pic to the left). Over the course of...
Defer Isn’t a Dirty Word

Defer Isn’t a Dirty Word

My jury summons appeared in the mail last week, asking me to report for duty on Monday, November 5th. I looked at my calendar and saw that the following day, November 6th, is the last session for my book proposal class. Logically, I knew I could try and put off my...
Passion Project Progression

Passion Project Progression

Crunch mode. I’m in it. BIG time. A few ginormous projects, more work than I have time to tackle, and that nagging sense that my passion project is taking a back seat while I’m focusing on meeting my other deadlines is challenging for this creative...